Money and Property Snippets


What’s Your Money Story? financial literacy women

In my professional and personal life, I meet all kinds of people who would LOVE to buy their own property, in fact they tell me it’s their...

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Triumph Against The Odds financial literacy women

Here’s a recent inspiring story of how one young woman overcame her negative money story and triumphed in achieving her dream of home...

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No Pay Gap In Property financial literacy property women

Sixty years on from the feminist movement that kick-started it all, women have come a long way in realigning the scales of inequality in both the...

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Why women don’t ask financial literacy women

We’ve come a long way from the days of Mad Men secretaries and tea ladies. Women are more powerful, more assertive and more successful than...

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Women and Wills financial literacy women

Women have overflowing wardrobes, the sparkle of excessive bling, designer bags and shoes, but not wills?

What’s that about?

At a time when...

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Face of homelessness women

Homelessness is something many of us are exposed to on a day-to-day basis. It’s a confronting picture, and even more so when we really think...

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Future Focused Females financial literacy women

Ladies, it’s time we considered what we can do to become the most powerful and productive versions of ourselves.

 At a time in history...

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The ‘Invisible Weapon’ financial literacy women

Domestic abuse is a multi-faceted issue. Whilst society is largely aware of the matters of physical and emotional abuse, what often falls between...

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