Foundations of Wealth


A Six week Program with respected Certified Money Coach (CMC) ® Marion Mays exclusively for women ready to change their relationship and outcomes with money.

Wednesday, 7:00 - 8:30 PM AEST

Live sessions to be held January 7th, January 21st and February 11th


Foundations of Wealth


A Six week Program with respected Certified Money Coach (CMC) ® Marion Mays exclusively for women ready to change their relationship and outcomes with money.


Wednesday, 7:00 - 8:30 PM AEST

Live sessions to be held January 7th, January 21st and February 11th



When we know it's time for things to change, we know.

Maybe right now you don’t know exactly why you are not where you would like to be when it comes to money, but what you do know is that it's time for you to stop being stuck where you are.  Yay - that’s progress right there!

The simplest and most important first step you can make is to check your relationship with money and get the support and help you need to change it.

Are you ignoring it, hiding from it, stuck in a feast and famine cycle with it, chasing it, or simply just frustrated, confused, and anxiety filled by it?

If so, then I’m so glad you landed here, because you have everything you need right now and are capable enough in this moment to make the decision to change that.

When we change our relationship with money, effortlessly our outcomes with money change for the better


“I have seen a 100% success rate for every woman who has been willing to do the inside work to change her money mindset and relationship with money”

~ Marion Mays


You are no different to her, or any other woman who has taken the first step.  50% of the hard work is done simply by making the choice to get help and support where you are currently stuck.


"Marion has not only opened my eyes but has set me on a path towards a more empowered and intentional relationship with money."

"Marion Mays, my money coach, has been a game-changer for me. She skilfully guided me through a transformative journey, unveiling deep-seated patterns of behaviour and internal wiring that had been steering my relationship with money. By shedding light on elements from my past, Marion revealed that my 6-year-old self had been at the wheel, influencing my adult financial decisions.

Marion's approach is nothing short of refreshing; it swiftly led me to the root of the problem. This newfound awareness has empowered me to make different choices, breaking free from my regular patterns and paving the way for positive change. While I'm still in the early stages of this transformative process, I eagerly anticipate witnessing the tangible fruits of these changes over the next year. Marion has not only opened my eyes but has set me on a path towards a more empowered and intentional relationship with money."

Joanna Sharma | Digital, Social & Content Marketing

Welcome to the Foundations of Wealth program.

A proven 6-week journey that helps women understand and change their relationship and outcomes with money.


No matter what your starting place is, whether you are a high-income earner with no savings, a low-income earner and good saver who is too scared to invest to make money, or a good earner and saver yet somehow you still have no wealth or assets, the path to financial wellness and stability starts with learning how to have a good relationship with money.

The program will let you access a new way of understanding, relating to, and working with money.  Even if you have been trying so hard to follow a system, read all the books, downloaded the spreadsheets, tried the budget, and watched endless masterclasses and videos of the experts yet still find yourself perplexed by your current financial status.

This program is a proven framework guided by Marion that has helped women Australia-wide to change the stories they tell themselves, whilst providing a proven blueprint of the essential pillars required for a healthy, abundant, successful relationship with money.

It is impossible to have sustainable success with money without the foundation of a healthy relationship with it.


"I am so grateful to Marion for the life-changing effect it has had on my life... Marion's Foundations of Wealth program is like no other offering out there."

"I am so grateful to Marion for the life-changing effect it has had on my life. As a professional successful business woman and mother, on the outside I seemed to be winning, but I knew within that despite how much I earned my life and outcomes with Money were not where I had imagined I would be at this stage in my life.

When I first met Marion I knew I had stumbled across a force to be reckoned with. Her tenacity to drag me out of la la land and into my reality was like nothing I have ever experienced. From the get go it was clear Marion wanted nothing but the best for my future financial self.

Her passion for helping women knows no bounds but more than that, she has all the tangible finance credentials as well as all of the psychological insights that cut through with ease into results . Within the first two weeks of meeting Marion I had a complete shift in the way I approached and thought about money. She unlocked an awareness of my money mindset I never knew existed.

Today, two properties on, with a robust emergency fund and growing investment muscle I feel like our meeting was meant to be. It continues to unlock so much more in my life and I am hugely grateful to Marion for her patience as I grappled to shift my outdated mindset towards money."

Carmen Campbell, Media Executive

Isn’t it time as women that we embraced the truth?

Our quality of life is deeply connected to our ability to be mentally strong, physically strong, emotionally strong and of course Money Strong.



Meet your money mentor

Hi, I'm Marion Mays


Founder of Money Strong and I trust soon to be your dedicated Certified Money Coach (CMC)®.  I’ve spent close to a decade successfully demonstrating to women, like you, that on the other side of your story, past experiences, limiting beliefs, or existing difficult relationship with money is the opportunity for you to be Money Strong.

There is no exception, I’ve met women from all walks of life, high flyers, those who have experienced domestic violence, the newly separated,
those experiencing life-changing circumstances, health challenges, and more…  What I know and what I have seen firsthand is that when we do the work on our relationship with money, we get to live a life that feels safe, secure, calm, and free of struggle.

At the heart of this program is my genuine desire to work with women and show them that they can access any level of financial wellness, wealth, or abundance they desire.  My aim is to inspire women to help each other, stop the competition, and start leveraging our collective power to love and lead the life we all want to.  It is possible and yes it requires us to be Money Strong.

Are you ready?

Is now your time to surrender and release the struggle with money and start walking towards the wealth, security, independence, and certainty you deserve.



"I changed both my story, beliefs, and real-life outcomes with money."

"As an artist, I believed I could do my passion working in the performing arts or choose to earn money, but certainly not both. The term struggling artist had been a lived experience for me.

In early 2023 I committed to working with Marion, to reprogram my beliefs about what was possible for me when it came to money and to upskill my financial capability. I’m happy to say because of this work I changed both my story, beliefs, and real-life outcomes with money.

Today I have financial literacy, I understand money. I have a simple system that takes care of paying all my bills automatically on time, whilst making sure I am enjoying my money now and taking care of future Suze. I have all the financial adulting stuff sorted.

And if that is not proof enough, armed with my new mindset & relationship with money I bought my very first home in my own name. I continue to work in the arts and now know I can do so whilst building wealth for myself and my future security."

Suze Smith | Performing Arts Management and Support, Somatic Movement Educator, Community Engagement

Why this course?

So much of what we learn growing up about money does little to truly benefit us in the real world.  And while we’re all smart enough to follow instructions and learn, what we really need to do is unlock our beliefs at a deeper level and reframe our attitudes that subconsciously are in the driving seat.

It is not our intellect or our capacity to learn that prevents us from being Money Strong, it is our deeply embedded programming that stops us from doing money differently even when we try our best.

That's why I have created this program based on my learnings of working with women all over Australia and around the world for almost a decade.

There is no guesswork in the framework or the content of this program, it has been tried, tested, refined, and condensed into a step-by-step process that now can be completed within 6 weeks.  

I am 100% confident that if you are willing to do the work, this program will be your stepping stone to the reality of a different and positive relationship with money.  I know this because I have watched hundreds of women transform their lives and have real tangible results with their financial wellness.

Even if you do not believe so right now, I invite you to trust that money can be exciting, empowering and provide you with more freedom than you have ever imagined possible.


This is not just a course; it's a life-changing program tailored for women who are ready to step into their financial power.

What you'll learn


How the different areas of your life and your level of satisfaction and fulfilment in each of them directly impact your relationship and outcomes with money. 

From here you will gain absolute clarity on the two key areas of life that are not serving you and limiting your results with money.  I will provide guidance on your next best steps to take you from “I don’t know” to "I now know".  There will be no more guesswork and you will have the framework that is unique to you to access rapid change!


You will get to know your own subconscious money story.

I will guide you beyond the obvious of what you know about yourself and money to uncover the narratives you are not aware of that are shaping your thinking at a deeper level and your results with money.  I will demonstrate how you can rewrite them and say goodbye to destructive behaviours and welcome more abundance.


Identify your money archetype.

Understand your unique financial personality style (patterning with money)  and how you can leverage it to better unlock your financial wellbeing.  This will enable you to feel in control of yourself and your choices in the future with money.


Closing the reality gap.

You will gain absolute crystal-clear clarity on reality, you will understand where you are really at, what your gap is, and what you need to focus on as your next best step to move you closer to a life of abundance, freedom, and action.


Your experience with Marion



The program is bespoke and open to a maximum of 7 women.  This will ensure an intimate space that still allows you to benefit from the learnings of other women who are on the same journey.


Over 6 weeks you will be guided through a proven framework that will help you in unpacking and releasing the thoughts, patterns and behaviors that have been holding you back.


During 3 live sessions Marion will personally present her teachings that have led hundreds of women to go from struggling and in denial to financial wellness.


In between live sessions, you will have specific curated exercises and content to do in your own time and space as you reflect on where you are and where you would like to go.


*VIP Package Only*

You will personally have a one-on-one session with Marion to crystalise the teachings and support you in moving through your own personal money relationship journey into abundance.


Say yes to transforming your money mindset

Upon completion of the program, you will know deeply the drivers behind your old money story, and what parts of your personality have been driving the show when it comes to the way you were doing money.  You will have absolute clarity on the areas of your life that are contributing to the results you have been getting with money.

When women have access to such deep insights about themselves, it provides a potent and powerful ability for them to have both radical and rapid results in upleveling their relationship with money.


"Marion's work challenged those beliefs, opened my eyes and my capacity to hold and honour money."

"I came in loaded with limiting beliefs around money, so much so, I couldn't actually see the money I already had and was making.

I was in a scarcity mindset, holding onto money, not paying myself enough to live and Marion's work challenged those beliefs, opened my eyes and my capacity to hold and honour money.

From thinking money wasn't for me and that I didn't have a seat at the table, to sorting out the flow of money, to investing, to enhancing my money IQ - it changed the game for me!"

Kat John | Authenticity Coach, Keynote Speaker and Podcast Host

Let's recap what's included in your 6-Week Journey

1. A proven 6-week program delivered personally by Marion Mays for changing your relationship and outcomes with money.

2. 3 online live small group sessions – where you will access the wisdom and learnings of the group – whilst journeying with like-minded women who are committed to becoming Money Strong.

3. Customised tangible exercises for you to complete in between live sessions to take you even deeper into your own personal money journey - moving you closer to the results you want.

4. A private one-on-one session with Marion – duration 1 hour where the sole focus is on helping you define your “next best steps” for success that are unique to only you. (*VIP Package Only*)

5. Supported coaching on understanding your Money Archetypes, (patterning) and how to change the way you do money.

6. A dynamic values elicitation process – so that you have clarity on what matters most to you and how to use money in alignment with your values.

7. Digital recordings of all sessions.

8. Access to Marion’s trusted team of experts.


The value of this content is thousands of dollars, and the results you will achieve are priceless. For a limited time, you can access this program at a fraction of the cost.

Step into an empowered future you!

Say goodbye to financial limitations and hello to a life of abundance.  Enroll now and let's embark on this transformative journey together.

Spaces are limited to just 7 women, so don't miss your chance to rewrite your money story.


Choose your plan




6-week group experience led by Certified Money Coach (CMC) ® Marion Mays 

One Time Payment 



Or 3 monthly payments of


Join & Pay Monthly




Includes 2 one-on-one sessions with Marion and WhatsApp messaging 

One Time Payment



Or 3 monthly payments of


Upgrade to VIP & Pay Monthly


3 monthly payments of $637.50 Inc GST

(15% Discount, Conditions Apply)





All we can ever do as humans is be deeply honest about where we are at.

From that space of reality, we can then decide to change our circumstances and by doing so we change the trajectory of our lives.

I invite you to dig deep and ask yourself - is 2024 the year for you to honour your internal knowing and get the help and support you need to change your relationship and outcomes with money?  On the other side of this program is the opportunity for you to experience a life in which you feel more secure, more confident, and more capable.

What does the Money Strong version of you look like?