Money for Life Mentorship Program


A bespoke program that gives you access to a sense of financial wellbeing and certainty sooner.

Reimagine your financial future in just 90 days

(Itā€™s never too early - or too late - And now is always the best time to begin)



Money for Life Mentorship Program


A bespoke program that gives you access to a sense of financial wellbeing and certainty sooner.

Reimagine your financial future in just 90 days

(Itā€™s never too early - or too late - And now is always the best time to begin)



If youā€™re here Iā€™m going to assume that, despite your best efforts, your hard work or following what seemed like great advice at the time, you still do not have a feeling of financial wellness.

You are not alone! Many intelligent, hard-working, successful women in their prime find themselves worried about money, experiencing a lack of retirement funds and feeling like they have no control over where their money goes.

A decade of mentoring women who seek financial wellbeing has taught me that if you can change your attitude you can change both your relationship and financial outcomes with money, fast!

Whether you have 5, 10 or 15 years to retirement - today is a great day to take the first step and make a change.


A new chapter of financial empowerment awaits you


With Marion Mays, your guide, mentor and respected Certified Money Coach (CMC)Ā this 90-day bespoke VIP program, is designed to help you once and for all, understand money, make more of it and manage it in a way that moves you closer to living your dream life.

Unlike most other money coaching programs, the Money for Life Mentorship is a proven process that you undertake once & results in you being able to create lasting change in all areas of money.Ā  The program helps you to uncover and integrate your highest life values, to purposefully reconnect with your greatest asset (your time), create a conscious spending and savings plan that enables you to live well now (not a budget!) and to organize your essential life affairs.Ā  And yes, we do it all in 90 days!

It sounds like a big thing to say but you will complete the program, feeling like a completely different person.Ā  The process is tried and tested and as you can see by the many women who have walked before you, it consistently produces a rapid transformation of one's relationship and outcomes to money.

Read her stories here.

A new chapter of financial empowerment awaits you


With Marion Mays, your guide, mentor and respected Certified Money Coach (CMC)Ā this 90-day bespoke VIP program, is designed to help you once and for all, understand money, make more of it and manage it in a way that moves you closer to living your dream life.

Unlike most other money coaching programs, the Money for Life Mentorship is a proven process that you undertake once & results in you being able to create lasting change in all areas of money.Ā  The program helps you to uncover and integrate your highest life values, to purposefully reconnect with your greatest asset (your time), create a conscious spending and savings plan that enables you to live well now (not a budget!) and to organize your essential life affairs.Ā  And yes, we do it all in 90 days!

It sounds like a big thing to say but you will complete the program, feeling like a completely different person.Ā  The process is tried and tested and as you can see by the many women who have walked before you, it consistently produces a rapid transformation of one's relationship and outcomes to money.

Read her stories here.

"I have also experienced a remarkable increase in revenue in my business as a direct result of Marion's guidance."

"I had the pleasure of working with Marion on her 90-day VIP program, and it has been a game-changer for me.

Before starting the program, I was constantly overwhelmed and anxious about money. However, since completing Marion's program, I can confidently say that I am finally building a healthy relationship with money.

Marion's program not only provided me with tangible, numbers-based results, but it also focused on personal development and helped me shift my old limiting beliefs around money. This holistic approach was exactly what I needed to see a transformation in my financial life.

Marion is deeply passionate about her work and this shows in every interaction. She went above and beyond to ensure my success. I am incredibly grateful for her willingness to support me and solve any financial challenges I encountered along the way.

Thanks to Marion, I now have a solid foundation of financial literacy that I previously lacked. I feel in control of my finances, and the anxiety that once consumed me has significantly diminished. Not only that, but I have also experienced a remarkable increase in revenue in my business as a direct result of Marion's guidance.

I cannot recommend Marion highly enough. If you're looking for a financial mentor who combines practical strategies with personal development, Marion is the one.

Thank you, Marion, for your unwavering support and for helping me build a brighter financial future. You are truly exceptional!

Natalie Idrizovic | Owner Studio Alia Pilates

Money for Life 90-Day Program Highlights

Meeting Reality Where Itā€™s At

We get clear on where youā€™re at in life right now - the good, the bad and the downright embarrassing.Ā  Believe me when I say Iā€™ve seen it all, and nothing scares or surprises me!

Identifying Your Values

Align your financial (and all life) decisions with your highest three values.Ā  Knowing your values is a game changer that eliminates procrastination, confusion, stress, stagnation and uncertainty from life.

Leveraging Your Greatest Asset (Time)

How are you using your 168 hours of time each week?Ā  Time (not money, investments, or property) is your greatest resource and to ensure you live well today and in the future.Ā  Our proprietary process of micropatterning will show you how to optimize your time/life force in all the right ways.Ā  (this is NOT about cramming more into your calendar! It is about achieving more in less time then you ever imagined possible)

Rewriting Your Money History (you know the one, that keeps playing out)

Before you move forward we have to understand where you came from.Ā  Why do you spend the way you do?Ā  Why have you never invested or feel scared to do so.Ā  Why do you view money the way you do?

The good news: With the right expertise we can reprogram and rewrite any pattern we have with Money that is not serving us.Ā  Iā€™ve helped hundreds of women who were underearners increase their income, over-spenders rearrange their patterns so they feel they have an abundance of money and no longer need to live beyond their means and helped many women develop the confidence to acquire investments and assets for the first time in their life.

Managing your Money ā€“ the adult way

Most of us struggle with this in some way and none of us want to live the life of a bookkeeper, but managing money can feel like that!Ā  I will show you how to be an honourable custodian of money and set up the once off system that will automate your future money management.Ā  This doesnā€™t involve opening 300 bank accounts or cutting out your daily latte, itā€™s more about living an abundant life with the money you do have now. - Iā€™m talking about conscious spending, conscious saving and conscious investing.Ā  And the values work we did up front means this becomes SO much easier to tackle!

1:1 Time + Bespoke Support

Iā€™m your champion, and private mentor for 90 days (and beyond) when we work together it is in a one-on-one private and confidential setting. In between sessions, I will curate processes, activities and material that is highly relevant to your circumstances, so you don't need to worry about the overwhelm. Week by week, step by step we will achieve important milestones to move you closer to the goals you feel are most important to you. Most importantly we will implement at every step of the way, so that you are only doing the work once and then enjoying the benefits of a new way, a new system of ease when it comes to your ongoing Money moves.

Access to this level of mentorship combined with accountability is what sets apart those who say they want change and the ones who actually create that change.

Which will you be?


"Marion guided me to live by my values, question my learned money beliefs and shift out of feeling powerless."

"Marion's approach to money is more than just dollars and cents. Through the process of streamlining accounts, doubling my income, securing my financial future and much more, Marion guided me to live by my values, question my learned money beliefs and shift out of feeling powerless. These are not just words, but everyday actions that have created space for me to see opportunities and act confidently knowing my foundations are solid.

To think I nearly didn't seek Marion's help until our first phone conversation revealed her passion to help. No sales pitch, even an offer to refer to someone else if I didn't feel like we were a "fit". Marion is still in my corner after the 90 day program and no matter what obstacles I face she seems to always finds a way."

Kim Southwell | Champion of Daily Movement for Health, Mobility and Confidence

Ready to start your Money for Life private mentorship.

If youā€™re ready to do the work you know you have long needed to do, I'm ready to be your dedicated champion of change.Ā  My commitment to you is, if you show up and follow the proven protocol and system you will get the results you want.Ā  In fact, Iā€™m so committed I will continue working with you until you do *conditions apply.

Due to the bespoke nature of this work and the investment and commitment of time expected from clients, I invite inquiries from those who are serious about making lasting changes in their life.

If you have seen the experts, done the online courses, read the books and still do not feel financially well, I invite you to apply - let's have a discussion about what is possible for your unique set of circumstances.


Ready to start your Money for Life private mentorship.

If youā€™re ready to do the work you know you have long needed to do, I'm ready to be your dedicated champion of change. My commitment to you is, if you show up and follow the proven protocol and system you will get the results you want. In fact, Iā€™m so committed I will continue working with you until you do *conditions apply.

Due to the bespoke nature of this work and the investment and commitment of time expected from clients, I invite inquiry from those who are serious about making lasting change in their life.

If you have seen the experts, done the online courses, read the books and still do not feel financially well, I invite you to apply - Lets have a discussion about what is possible for your unique set of circumstances.


About Marion Mays, Your Money Coach


Hi! Iā€™m Marion.

With 30 years of experience in financial services, and two decades in property mentorship.

I've spent the last ten years dedicated to empowering women and couples through integrated approaches to money, property, and creating lives they love by design.Ā  My methods help you to increase your earnings, manage your finances smarter, and teach you how to make money from money via investing so that your money is actually working harder for you than you are working for it.

I strongly believe that economic empowerment, understanding our deepest why and having the knowledge and resources we need to achieve financial wellness are critical to a happy life, that is why my work is deeply embedded in personal development.

All of my clients are talented, successful & smart in their chosen careers and passions & itā€™s an honour to loan them my knowledge, give them access to my networks and help them shortcut the results they want when it comes to their financial wellbeing.




"I now have my financial affairs totally in order, provisions made for accident, emergency or other unforeseen events."

"I am close to completing Marionā€™s 90 day program and I can honestly say been life changing. So many tangible results, I now have my financial affairs totally in order, provisions made for accident, emergency or other unforeseen events.

As a single mother not having that sorted was a source of underlying anxiety that I had no clue how best to organise. That in itself is immense. In addition my money management is automated, butting out mental, emotional and physical labour that I now use for growing my business, relationships and enjoyment of life.

I was too scared to stop working, the ā€˜buckā€™ stops with me as a single parent, I am cook, cleaner, bread winner, mechanic, handy woman, gardener and more. What I had left out was my own self nourishment and care. Which is now a non-negotiable top priority. Without a vital and well me, none of that happens.

Marionā€™s skill, compassion and knowledge has been the catalyst I needed to take action. Itā€™s not been easy, itā€™s been hard work, but work placed in the appropriate place.

I am excited for my future and my sons future, something I had no tangible sense of before now. If youā€™re considering taking one of Marionā€™s programs I would say to you, do it. Do it even if youā€™re unsure, hesitating or afraid to do so. I have done many many self development programs, engaged countless counsellors and mentors over my life time. Marion has the ability to hand hold and guide, with strength, perception and ruthless belief in the capacity of humans to create habits that feed change, positive action and value based living, that is quite simply priceless.

Thank you Marion, I am forever grateful. šŸ™

Jo Watson | Midwife, educator, Thrive for Mothers