Financial wellness requires us to have a positive & healthy relationship with money, to understand our patterns of behaviour, including any limiting beliefs and to have healed any money traumas that have become our money blueprint by default together with solid financial literacy skills.


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Financial wellness requires us to have a positive & healthy relationship with money, to understand our patterns of behaviour, including any limiting beliefs and to have healed any money traumas that have become our money blueprint by default together with solid financial literacy skills.

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Our programs have been designed and refined over the past decade to help women change their relationship with money, to upgrade their beliefs whilst releasing negative patterns and ways of being with money , whilst cultivating solid skills in financial capability


Change your story fast- Transform your mindset, relationship and behaviour with money through my 90-day Money Transformation VIP program. A bespoke program designed to fast track your success. Consisting of fortnightly coaching, financial education, and accountability. This is perfect for anyone looking to make real, lasting changes in their financial life as quickly as possible.



Change your relationship with Money via our small group 6 week programs, engabling you to journey with like-minded women who are on the same journey as you to achieving financial well being.



Financial wellness should be assessable to all women, so we have built resources to assist you with developing your financial literacy and improving your relationship with money via E-books, Masterclasses and short online cources.


I personally believe, after more than a decade of coaching women into greater success with money that there are three areas of life that lead to us having poor outcomes with money or keep us stuck with having a lack of money in our life.

Firstly, our childhood experiences, the family of origin we were born into, what we were conditioned to believe about money, what we saw and felt about money that was modelled by our care givers combined with our lived experience in our formative years from birth to our early teens.

Anything that has affected our sense of self-worth or was a traumatic experience that has remained unexamined or unhealed impedes our ability to have a healthy relationship with money.

This combined with a lack of financial education, observing poor financial behaviour by our primary caregivers & the financial industry treatment & communication with us given its primary objective is to make money from us, rather than to empower us to thrive financially.

And lastly a lack of support, be it a lack of family, social support or connection, when we feel like it is all on us, or that we are navigating our lifeā€™s security on our own, it can feel like we are not on an equal playing field to the those who are fortunate enough to have both strong family support and community connections that champion us with our money. This is why I believe it is critical that women have access to trusted professional support whilst building financial wellness.

For as long as I can remember it has been my dream to:

  • To bring financial literacy to all Australian Women
  • To help Women really understand their own values, life goals and walk along aside them as an advocate to achieve the financial wellness they so rightly deserve
  • To demonstrate to women, no matter what your back story, your limitations, your starting place you can and must access financial well being to live your best life.

To that end I am committed to making financial literacy and financial wellness understandable, fun, achievable and a reality for every Women that chooses to ask for my help. I look forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve your life goals.

Marion Mays
Founder, Money Strong

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